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List of Famous Composers From the Modern Eras

The Baroque Era

Period of western music from the start of the 17th century to the mid 18th century. Its name means "oddly shaped pearl" to emphasize the difference between the difference between the Baroque era and the Renaissance era. Compared to Renaissance music, Baroque had one general mood, more strings, and many different types of forms.

The Classical Era

Not to be confused with the general "classical music" term which encompasses the entire genre of music before the digital age, the Classical era for music lasted from the end of the Baroque era to the early 19th century. Typically, many of the famous "classical music" composers and styles originated from this era. Compared to the Previous eras, the Classical style was more lighter and lack the stiff structured complexity of the Baroque era.

The Romantic Era

The early to late 19th century saw the rise of the Romantic Period. Romantic focused on the freedom to express people's emotions and romantic music was no different. Romantic composers weren't bound by any strict forms. Their works were usually harmonious, lyrical melodies with great use of dynamics. Their orchestras saw the increasing popularity of brass instruments. I don't like to be biased but I think this was the best of all Eras in music, literature, and art.

The Modern/Neoclassical Era

Again, not to be confused with general use of 'modern' as in present-day, but the artistic movement during the 20th century to the present day. One of the reasons why many people don't really know of moderism when it comes to classical music is that modernism was a revival of the previous styles of music, and innovating them into more friendlier versions to the people at the time. For this reason, music from this period is sometimes referred to as Neoclassical music. There was no new groundbreaking techniques, and they were essentially mimicing composers from the previous eras. Arguably, the time of great masters of compositions was coming to a close.